вівторок, 4 лютого 2020 р.

Опитування з інформаційних технологій (професія - виконавець художньо-оформлювальних робіт)

1 коментар:

  1. Let me tell you something...

    What I'm going to tell you might sound kind of weird, and maybe even kind of "out there"....

    BUT what if you could just press "Play" and LISTEN to a short, "musical tone"...

    And magically bring MORE MONEY into your LIFE??

    And I'm really talking about hundreds... even thousands of dollars!!!

    Sound too EASY?? Think something like this is not for real?

    Well then, Let me tell you the news.

    Usually the most significant miracles life has to offer are the SIMPLEST!!!

    In fact, I'm going to PROVE it to you by letting you PLAY a real-life "magical money tone" I've produced...

    You just hit "Play" and watch how money starts piling up around you... it starts right away...

    CLICK here to play the mysterious "Miracle Wealth Building TONE" as my gift to you!!!


План-конспекти уроків

Комп'ютерні технології в проектуванні (15 група, професія - маляр, реставратор ДХФ)

x 1. Поняття комп’ютерних технологій 2. Види проектування 3. Завдання та функції проектів 4. Дизайн архітектури у проектуванні....